Wednesday, 28 November 2007

A quick note on the weather

Just a very quick post to talk about weather.

My director of studies, who has been here for three years now, keeps talking about the coming winter, and how cold it gets. I, of course, man that I am (and well protected by my Perma-Jersey (TM) and Insu-Blubber (TM)), have poo-pooed all of her warnings.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, alarm bells rang that a pom, from England, home of the world's shittiest weather, doesn't like the winter here. But I, being a real man of amazingly real manly stature and whatnot, have ignored said bells.

Today, China decided to send a different, and altogether more effective, portend of the coming doom cold.

There was a wind which blew in from the river, that carried with it a cold such as I have never felt. It was a normal wind, nothing overly dramatic, but there was on it - like the first smell of sulphur before a massive storm, or the soft hush of the crowd before a pianist starts his first piece - a definite indication of things to come.

I hope you are all enjoying the warm weather back home.

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